Thursday, 13 January 2011

textual analysis

Q contents page
On this contents page the features have been separated into two sections, what's included in this magazine and what's included every month; this is good for readers as it puts emphasis on new articles, while also keeping the people happy that enjoy the regular features. The image is the main feature on this page this links to the features in the red box on the left this enables readers to find exactly what they want as all the articles have page numbers. An review of an artist is put in a white box at the bottom of the page this keeps with Q's brand identity as they are known for there reviews of artists also this page is in keeping with their colour scheme of red, black, white and gold, again this makes Q look more expensive. Q is also known for looking at things like greatest artists or albums as shown by this contents page, as it reviews the 100 greatest albums ever' to put emphasis on this it is in larger, bold, white writing and it stands out clearly against the red background. Everything is also clearly laid out and labelled  this allows specific articles to be found with ease.  
NME Contents page
that readers may want. However there is a band index on the left hand side this makes it easy for readers to look up the specific bands featured in that weeks magazine, this seems to be unique to NME. The dominant feature of the page is the large images of Oasis in the centre this is the main story, this is obvious as there is large font underneath the image and a descriptive paragraph about it. On the right hand side there are 5 headings that are used regularly in On this contents page the layout is not as simple as Q's because all of the content  crammed into this page it makes it look messy and makes it harder to find specific articles NME these are news, radar, reviews Live! and features, each contains a brief description and page numbers.

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